Genre of trailer: Horror, Gore
Year released:1985
Your mark after viewing: 3/10
What happened in the trailer?
People are in the cinema watching Day of the Dead and a zombie from the film is eating popcorn in the cinema
Which positive, clever or interesting aspects do you think you could include in your own trailer? what generic features are full filled well?
-Gives you an idea of the plot but doesn't spoil it
-We don't know who gets killed off
-One good zombie (Bub)
Which aspects of the trailer did you think were unsuccessful, and would put of its target audience? How is it disappointing.
-You only see one zombie in the trailer and he is a good zombie sitting in the cinema eating popcorn.
-Cheesy over the top voice over.
-Sells the movie as a comedy horror when its a gore horror
-Misselling the film
-The idea of the audience in the trailer is pointless
What was the trailers average score in class? Why did it receive that mark?
Average score= 3 1/2 because it doesnt sell what the movie is.Little action, dull, no gore.
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